Contour GT-I
3D Optical Microscopy
How Does Bruker Service Work?
One Call does it all.
Bruker provides many paths for accessing support for your system. You can always call us directly by contacting your local support office and have a call opened. We hate robotic phone support systems, so we provide people to answer your call. Just press one button for the Service department and your call will be answered by one of our helpful Service Administrators.
We use a sophisticated Customer Service Management (CSM) system that was designed specifically for Bruker to allow us to track your call and provide escalation to ensure you get answers in a timely manner. This system also provides more constant feedback, so you know the status of your call, or part shipment at any time in the support process.
You can also use Brukersupport.com to look up information to help you support your system if you are in the Do It Yourself (DIY)category. You need answers fast and Brukersupport.com is a tool that will allow you to look up information no matter your location, or time of day. If you are a DIY customer and have the appropriate access to high end technical expertise, you should consider our factory training!
What does downtime really cost?
Validation Services.
Bruker offers a comprehensive set of validation programs to help you meet your operations regulatory requirements.
We offer IQ/OQ for all products and for our products in the Pharmaceuticals, we can provide software that is fully 21CFAR part 11 Compliant.
Contact us for details on this program.
Planned Maintenance.
Planned maintenance for your system is a key investment to ensure maximum uptime for your system. Planned maintenance is included as a feature in most of our protection programs. We recommend maintenance on an annual basis for most systems in the typical lab environment. For systems in less than optimal environments, perform maintenance quarterly or even more frequently to keep from having unplanned repairs and downtime.
Remote Support.
Our engineers can connect to your system using WebEx, or a variety of other secure connections to diagnose and often reset your instrument and bring you back on line in the fastest method possible.
Bruker systems come with a comprehensive set of Tools that monitor system state and operating conditions. Using these BrukerTools, we can run the system remotely, check registers, verify goniometer and stage position and at a minimum define what is causing the error and send out the appropriate spares kit that can be used by the engineer to solve any problem in a single visit.
Phone Support.
Phone support is provided free of charge. Doesn’t that mean that phone support is terrible, because they have to provide it free of charge?
Yes, usually it does! However, Bruker has decided to approach phone support differently. As customers ourselves, when you call in for help, the expectation is that you get to talk to someone immediately, or after a reasonable wait. When you connect with technical support, the person you are discussing your issue with is a subject expert.
To meet these expectations for remote support, we have several engineers for each product line standing by to provide expert support and a superior ownership experience. We feel this is one of the services that separate us from the rest and you will appreciate the effort we put into providing prompt and expert support.

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